
Become Confident & Healthy

Now is the time for you to transform your health and start living a life you love!

Are you tired of feeling stuck in your health and your life? 

Are you fed up with feeling crazy because you've been told by doctors, "We can't find anything", but you KNOW something is wrong in your health!?

You’re exhausted and wondering how you let your health and happiness get pushed down the list of priorities. Are you:

  • Waking up groggy in the morning and need a caffeine jolt just to feel human.
  • Watching that spare tire around your belly grow from sitting at your computer all day
  • Suffering from the 3pm slump and reach for sweets to pick you up
  • Fearing that your relationship is hurting because you feel gross
  • Missing social events and skipping exercise because you feel tired

I've designed this program just for you- the woman who is tired of feeling this way and is ready to change her health once and for all.  Our 90-Day Elite Program is 12-week coaching program that will rejuvenate your body and enable you to have the vibrant health and life that you desire. 

You are ready to finally make a change and you just need the tools and the mindset to make that happen.  This is the program that will take your health from a place that is no longer serving you to to one of energy, confidence, and freedom from cravings.  Limited beliefs, or behaviors that do not serve you…anything that has kept you stuck, broken, or sick, will be healed.  It's time to put an end to the struggle to lose weight and make a healthy life your new normal.

Why me?DSCN1777

Because we've been where you are-As early as childhood, sugar has served as my comfort. It was the answer to everything! Ate all your dinner, I got dessert.  Getting together with friends to celebrate a birthday, there was lots of cake.

So when I got older, I still wanted to use sugar as my comfort although now it wasn’t in celebration for an accomplishment but rather a cover up for what I considered a failure, being overweight.

Eating sugar had turned into this vicious cycle that I felt I was never going to be able to break. I would eat sugar because it temporarily made me feel good but then, I would beat myself up which made me feel bad, so then guess what? I’d eat sugar to feel good again. This was as exhausting as it sounds!

I finally got to the point where I knew something had to change.  That's when I set my mind to do whatever it took.  For me, the moment I enrolled in a group program and got a support system, everything shifted and it can for you too if you are willing to say "yes" to your desires and invest in your health. 

I lost 50 lbs and went from always feeling tired and depressed to having more energy and joy! For the first time I felt comfortable and confident in my skin which totally changed the way I lived my life!  And I want the same for you!

I know that stopping the cravings and losing the weight doesn't have to be difficult.  It doesn't have to be a constant struggle.  You just need the support, mindset, and the right tools to make it happen. 

What You'll Walk Away With From This Program:

  • You will have a clear understanding of what is causing your health problems and have implemented a step by step plan to address it.
  • You will transform your relationship with food so that you can be confident in your choices and make the best decisions that support your body.
  • You will have addressed the underlying root causes of your health problems- instead of covering up symptoms with drugs- which allows your body to heal on a deep level, creating the health you desire.
  • You will have a more vibrant level of health that will allow you to live a truly empowered life, free of insecurity, fear, cravings, frustration- and eliminate those feelings that have kept you stuck.

What People Are Saying


No longer will you have to cancel plans because you don't feel well.  The days of dreading getting dressed because you hate your body are over!  It's time to transform your health in such a way that it will shift the way you move in the world. 

Just imagine…Young woman in white dress walking alone on beach in sunrise

  • How relaxed you'll feel when you feel great in your skin and know you look your best
  • How confident and comfortable you'll feel fitting into and wearing the clothes that you love
  • How much your stress will ease when you can at last relax around food
  • How much energy you will experience when you lose the toxins that are weighing you down

How Does The Program Work?

This 3-month program includes:SAMSUNG

  • Weekly 90-minute group calls where Karlyn will teach on a subject for 30 minutes, then open up the phone lines for your questions.  You will have the chance to be laser coached by Karlyn so you can keep the momentum going and get the personal support you are longing for.  This is your chance to ask Karlyn any questions, get feedback, and listen to questions asked by your peers.
  • Workbook and journal that will help you go in depth on each weekly topic, so you can master the knowledge of what foods work best for you so that you can have plenty of energy.  You will get a copy of our cookbook full of delicious recipes so you can learn how to lose weight and be healthy without feeling hungry and deprived.  PureVitalityBagwithGoodies
  • You will get our favorite jute bag with our shopper's guide to produce and some other fun surprises!
  • You will get access to a private Facebook group so you will have 24/7 interaction and support with a network of like-minded women in the group so you can bounce ideas off of one another, celebrate your successes, and gain the extra support you need. 

Why A Group Program?

We are a combination of the five people we surround ourselves with the most. 

group of happy miltiracial friends, outdoorsWho are you spending your days with?  How are they influencing you?  Are they encouraging you to be healthy or stay where you are?

It's important to surround yourself with other like-minded women, especially when you are first starting out on your health journey.   Having other like minded women around me cheering me on was key to my own success in changing my life and it will be for you too. 

Keep in mind that this is not a large group program- I'm keeping the numbers small for a reason.  I want you to have the attention you deserve and desire. 

Are You Ready To Experience Vibrant Health?

The gift of good health is the greatest thing you can give yourself. 

If you are ready to start feeling good, thriving, and getting great results, we would love to help you become that better version of yourself that you've always wanted. 

Freedom and adventure - woman happy, Grand Canyon

Your Investment

Register by March 17, 2015 (Price goes up to $897 on March 18, 2015)

$897 (Installment options available)

Payment Options



Still Have Questions?

To get your questions answered and to discover if this program is right for you, request a complimentary 30-minute Discovery Session with Karlyn. 

What do you have to lose?

Click Here to request a Discovery Session