My very first introduction to medicinal herbs began when I was about 10 years old.  I went to summer camp and came back home with a planter's wart, thanks to those lovely communal showers.  

A planter's wart is a wart that grows on the bottom of the foot.  It is caused by a virus that infects the superficial layer of skin producing a thick, callus-like growth that is very painful.

Back to my story….Someone my mom knew at church mentioned an herbal cure for planter's warts to her, and so she gave me the choice: Either I go to the doctor and have them dig it out of the bottom of my foot with a scalpel, or try the herb.  Gee, I wonder what sounded more appealing to a 10 year old.   Of course, I chose the herbs.

As we looked around our backyard, we found this particular herb growing everywhere!  My mom gathered some leaves and ground them up in a mortar and pestle.  She put this moist herbal mash right over the wart and covered it with a bandage to keep out all the air. After sleeping all night with it on, she applied another fresh poultice the next night.

I think we were all amazed when she removed the bandage and found that the wart just fell off of my foot!

This experience had a huge impact on me as a child.  I believe it planted in me a love of herbs and natural medicine that would not come to full fruition until I was an adult.

So, what was this herb? Common wood sorrel, or oxalis acetosella.  It is a small, creeping perennial plant that looks similar to clover, but the leaves are shaped like hearts.  It grows in shady areas mostly, but I have even seen it growing in full sun.

It is good for warts, and is also good for getting rid of cysts under the skin.

Who knew that a common backyard weed could heal the body so dramatically?  That's the power of natural medicine. 


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