Healthy Gluten Free Snack Ideas

Need ideas for healthy snacks?  Here is a list of gluten free snack ideas you can keep handy when you might be tempted to reach for a candy bar… There are so many things you can eat!  This list should keep you from getting bored.  Enjoy!  Vegetable Based...

Lacto-fermentation Salsa Recipe

When you have an abundance of vegetables from the garden or a farmer's market in the summertime, you want to somehow preserve all that homegrown goodness so you can eat well during the cold months of the year too, right?  Fortunately, there is a technique that has...

Sesame Garlic Kale Recipe

Kale is one of the healthiest greens you can eat.  It is very high in beta carotene, vitamin K, vitamin C, lutein, zeaxanthin, manganese, and moderately high in calcium.   Kale, as with broccoli and other brassicas, contains sulforaphane, a chemical with potent...

Healthy Food for Summer Vacations

Summer is here, along with outdoor adventures, such as summer camp, backpacking, hiking, camping, etc… Since so many non-perishable foods are processed and unhealthy, what healthy foods can you take on vacation that do not require refrigeration?  Here is a list...

How To Make Natural Hair Gel

Are you looking for natural hair gel that will not only keep your hair looking beautiful but also save you money?  As I've changed my diet to healthier foods, I've also switched to more natural products I use for my skin and hair.  If you didn't see this...