5 Secrets for Sensational Skin

Wouldn't you love to have blemish-free, baby-smooth, sensational skin?  The kind of skin that does not even need make-up?  I am here to tell you that it is indeed possible.  I used to have pretty bad skin:  acne, even as an adult….red splotchy...

Gluten Free Pumpkin Muffins

I am really enjoying coming up with recipes using both coconut and almond flour.  Here is my newest favorite: a delicious, moist pumpkin muffin that makes a healthy snack you can indulge in any time of day.  Enjoy! 2 cups almond flour 1/2 coconut flour 1 tsp. baking...

How to Get Your Kids to Eat Healthy Food

This is my guest post on the blog, Real Food Allergy Free. Is your family protesting your new healthy way of eating? It can be difficult to transition to a healthy diet when you have children. As you may already know, changing your whole family’s eating habits...

Smart Meters- Are they Dangerous?

What is a smart meter? Smart Meters are a new digital electric meter that is being installed on every home in the US to replace the analog electric meters. They use wireless technology to send your data to the electric company so that someone does not have to come...