Whether you have a small cupboard or a walk in pantry, it needs to be clean, well-stocked, and organized.  Then all the ingredients you need to put together a meal are at your fingertips.  Meal preparation becomes easy whether you are a planner or a procrastinator. 

Keeping only healthy foods on hand will enable you to be more diligent to eat well.  If junk food is in the house, you are certainly more likely to eat it.  So, go ahead and clean it out now. 

When you have your pantry organized with everything in nice, clear containers with labels, it not only looks appealing, but it is much easier to see what you have and maintain it. 

Before you begin to give your pantry a makeover, you need to assess your situation and see what you will need.  Go ahead and look at what you have in your pantry now and ask yourself these questions: 

  • What do I like about my pantry?  Is it the right size?  Do I already have some containers or baskets that I like?
  • What do I want to change about my pantry? The color?  Shelves?  Location?  Now might be a good time to put a new coat of paint, new wallpaper, or new shelving in the pantry.   
  • What style do I like? Country, traditional, or contemporary?  This will influence the types of containers you use and the overall look of your pantry.
  • What quantities do I like to keep on hand?  Is my family large or small?  Do I want to buy some items in bulk?  You will need to buy containers that accommodate your needs

The containers you store your food in is important.  You should use transparent containers, so you are able to maintain the freshness of your ingredients.  They should be easy for you to open and have an airtight seal to keep out unwanted visitors and moisture that will cause food to spoil. 

Baskets are nice to use for root vegetables, such as potatoes, onions, or winter squash.  Use rectangular sizes that fit on your shelves.  You can  fill baskets with small miscellaneous items so that everything looks neat and tidy.  Take measurements of your shelves, so you know what size baskets to purchase. 

Where to Purchase Containers

Glass (or plastic) containers come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes.  I prefer wide mouth containers for ease of use.  I picked up many of my glass jars at garage sales and thrift stores.  For inexpensive gallon glass jars, a friend of mine saved the pickle jars that were being thrown away at her church’s picnic.  They work great for the bigger quantities I store in my pantry.  

Stores like Ikea, Crate and Barrel, Bed Bath and Beyond,and Target carry a wide selection of food storage jars.  Pick a style that you like, making sure it is easy for you to open and close.   Even wide mouth Mason jars work well and come in various sizes. 

There is more information I would love to share with you about how I set up my pantry and kitchen with healthy food preparation in mind.  Because it is more than would fit in a blog post, I put together a 20 page eBook for you.  It contains a checklist of healthy foods to stock in your pantry, labels for your jars, sections on kitchen equipment and organization, and more helpful information on setting up a healthy kitchen.  Request a free copy of the eBook, Kitchen Makeover, below. 

This post is linked to: Thirty Handmade Days