Summer is here, along with outdoor adventures, such as summer camp, backpacking, hiking, camping, etc… Since so many non-perishable foods are processed and unhealthy, what healthy foods can you take on vacation that do not require refrigeration? 

Here is a list I put together for a client going to summer camp, who did not want to compromise all the amazing health improvements she had recently gotten as a result of eating a healthy diet. 

  • Bars, such as Larabars, granola bars, etc…
  • Natural beef jerky
  • Tuna or salmon in packets
  • Fruit roll ups
  • Granola or trail
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  • Peanut butter or almond butter
  • Raw honey
  • Whole grain gluten free bread (can use the nut butter and honey for sandwiches)
  • Whole grain gluten free crackers
  • Raw aged cheese (if
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    you are not dairy free)

  • Fresh fruit that does not require refrigeration, such as apples, bananas, etc…
  • Applesauce cups
  • Avocados (mash with a pinch of sea salt) and a jar of salsa served with organic corn chips
  • Homemade gluten free muffins will keep for a few days without refrigeration
  • Cut up veggies (carrots, red bell pepper, celery) and hummus will keep a couple of days without refrigeration
  • Date Candies from my Vibrant Health cookbook
  • Power Bars from my Vibrant Health cookbook
  • Yogurt will keep a couple of days without refrigeration

What would you add to this list?


Becky Mauldin, N.D. is a Naturopath, teacher, speaker, and author.  She has authored two gluten-free cookbooks, Vibrant Health and Recipes for Life. Her story of recovery from an incurable illness has inspired many people around the world. She is known for making a healthy diet achievable for real people and real life.

Connect with her on Facebook and let her know what you think of this post. 


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