Are you looking for natural hair gel that will not only keep your hair looking beautiful but also save you money? 

As I've changed my diet to healthier foods, I've also switched to more natural products I use for my skin and hair.  If you didn't see this article on natural skincare, you may want to check it out.  

Most hair sprays, hair gels, and other beauty products contain all sorts of chemicals that are not good for our health.  Even though they are applied to the outside of our body, they penetrate our skin and end up in our bloodstream.  Now scientists are finding cosmetic chemicals in human tissues and fat cells.  So, the reality is that these chemicals from cosmetics are just one more toxin our body has to detoxify.  Why not avoid them if we have a choice?

I have naturally curly hair that needs some type of hair gel to keep it looking nice and manangeable.  I had been using very expensive brands of hair gel years ago, not knowing how easy and inexpensive it was to make my own.  When I created this recipe I share with you below, I could not believe how easy it was to duplicate those expensive hair products I had been buying all of those years.  Although this recipe seems to simplistic, you will be surprised at how effective it is. 

The Recipe


  • 1/4 tsp. unflavored gelatin
  • 1/2 cup hot water


Put 1/4 tsp. of unflavored gelatin in a small glass jar.  Add the hot water and stir until it is dissolved. 

Store it in the refrigerator and it should last about a week. 

To use, scoop out a tablespoon or so and apply to wet hair. Comb through hair and dry hair as usual.   You can add more gelatin to the recipe for a more stiff gel look.  But recipe is what works for me and produces the same look as in the photo above.  I just add the gel to my wet hair, scrunch it while drying it, and that's it! 


Do you have any natural hair care secrets you want to share?


Becky Mauldin, N.D. is a Naturopath, teacher, speaker, and author.  She has authored two gluten-free cookbooks, Vibrant Health and Recipes for Life. Her story of recovery from an incurable illness has inspired many people around the world. She is known for making a healthy diet achievable for real people and real life.

Connect with her on Facebook and let her know what you think of this post. 


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