I have always loved my Vitamix.  It is more than just a blender….I use it to grind up flax seeds, herbs, grains….pretty much anything.  So, when I heard about the Nutri-Bullet being similar to a Vitamix, it peaked my curiosity because I am always on the lookout for solutions for my clients who cannot afford to invest in a Vitamix. 

When Marie bought a Nutri-Bullet, we decided to put it to the test and compare it to my Vitamix.  Here are the results:

It made a great smoothie, and it ground up everything very well.  I did notice a few tiny chunks when I tasted it, but it was just a bit that had sunk to the bottom of the container.  The rest of it was very smooth!nutribullet1

I love the paperback booklets that come with the Nutri-Bullet.  They are loaded with tons of useful information, everything from how to pick out ripe produce to all sorts of smoothie recipes. 

Marie has been using it regularly now and finds it will grind up leafy greens and goji berries much better than the standard kitchen blender she had been using.  She loves how the milling blade will grind up flax seeds into flax meal- so easily! 

Overall, I think it is a good, inexpensive option for someone who wants an easy way to make smoothies and other blended recipes. 

Update:  We wanted to compare the two machines in their ability to grind grains into flour.  We used 1 cup of whole brown rice for our test and ground it into flour with both machines. Here are the results:

  • The Vitamix (using the dry container) was a bit more finely ground and did not heat the flour very much. 
  • The NutriBullet was a little more coarsely ground and did heat up the flour considerably.  It was hot after grinding for about a minute.  This may cause a loss of some nutrients, depending on the temperature level. The machine was on high speed for about a minute. 

In summary, the NutriBullet is very similar to the Vitamix and works very well for grinding grains and produce.   The differences we found between the Vitamix and the NutriBullet are minor and we believe it is still a very good option for anyone seeking a healthy lifestyle. 


Becky Mauldin, N.D. is a Naturopath, teacher, speaker, and author.  She has authored two gluten-free cookbooks, Vibrant Health and Recipes for Life. Her story of recovery from an incurable illness has inspired many people around the world. She is known for making a healthy diet achievable for real people and real life.

Connect with her on Facebook and let her know what you think of this post. 


This post is linked to: Diet, Dessert, and Dogs, Real Food Freaks, Everday Vegan Girl, Real Food Whole Health, Food Renegade,Natural Mothers Network, Healthy Home Economist,, Simply Sugar and Gluten Free,Real Food Forager, Frugally Sustainable, The Willing Cook, GlutenFree Homemaker, Mind Body and Sole Online, Delicious Obsessions Butter Believer, Natural Mothers Network, Flip Cookbook,